Investment Portfolios as Unique as You Are
Sygnet Capital Inc.
Achieving your financial objectives starts with the prudent management of your assets, using sound investment and tax strategies. Sygnet Capital has developed a discretionary investment platform designed to help you work toward those goals.
There are a number of benefits to using discretionary asset management. Here are just a few:
Convenience - Day-to-day management of your portfolio is managed by a licenced portfolio manager. Once the decision is made to buy or sell a security, we can act efficiently and effectively to conduct the transaction.
Cost - There are no transaction costs. Instead, investment management fees are based on the size of your portfolio. In addition, there are no registered plans fees, and any fees paid on non-registered accounts may be tax-deductible. No trailer fees can be paid to Sygnet Capital from assets held in managed accounts.
Customization - Each portfolio is constructed based on your goals and objectives, using the best managers available and the right products to meet your needs. As we are "investment agnostic"; your portfolio could include Separately Managed Accounts (managed by third parties), ETFs, pooled funds, individual securities and mandates managed by our firm.​
Responsibility - Management of your portfolio is governed by your individual Investment Policy Statement (IPS). The IPS helps us work together to construct, monitor and evaluate your investments in a consistent manner. We are responsible for following the investment guidelines established in the IPS and for reviewing the content of the IPS with you, at least once a year.​

Communication - Our reporting to you is comprehensive and includes detailed monthly statements and quarterly reviews of your holdings. Portfolio review meetings can be arranged as often as necessary.